Always Choose Love and Light

Sep 05, 2019
Misty mountains reflected in a lake water with title Reflections on Inner Peace, Outer Peace

Many people feel that we are living in dark and confusing times these days. In recent years, people have felt waves of increasing uncertainty, fear, and despair. We really don’t know what the future holds, though uncertainty is always the very nature of life - we just have the illusion of stability, sometimes.

Regardless of what the present and future bring, the one thing that gives me confidence is knowing that whatever happens, my path and practice is to always choose love and light. 

In order to do this, we need to build our resilience, our store of internal resources. Part of that involves connecting with what is good and beautiful in the world, as much as we can. For most people, this probably means dialing down our news and media consumption. More than ever, the news seems to be designed to feed hopelessness, despair, fear, cynicism, and hatred. Sound familiar? The news does not lift our spirits, inspire us, or inform us about all the wonderful people doing great things in the world - but I hope you know that those people are out there! Instead of being spoon-fed negativity daily, we can make a choice to connect with the goodness of the world, including the beauty and refuge of nature. Your peace and mental health matters! I can assure you that you will still know as much as you need to about what is going on in the world. 

Think about the kind of difference a spiritually strong and internally resourced populus, vs. a cynical and despairing one, can make. 

And then when there are choices to be made, things to be done - when we are filled with light, we know how to choose the path of love. When there are people being harmed, we seek to protect them. We don’t just seethe with hatred towards those causing harm - this only creates more turmoil in ourselves and in the world. We become willing to take noble risks when our minds and hearts are clear, and we know what really matters in this world. 

Death is certain, is a given in any life. The question is what we choose to fill our life with, whether we choose love or fear.

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