Breathe Easier: Essential Oils for Allergies

May 21, 2024
Woman blowing her nose surrounded by a branch of eucalyptus, spruce, sticks of sandalwood, and a bottle of essential oil.

We shared a version of this email last spring, but since allergies are back every year (and for longer!) it was time to share it again! If you’d like to explore aromatherapy, all our single essential oils, therapeutic blends and other fragrant products are 15% off until June 20.

We talk a lot about allergies at Energy Matters, as natural medicine offers some of the best tools for reducing symptoms and helping you feel better. Treatment including acupuncture and herbal medicine, supplements, sinus rinsing, and air filters are all helpful for managing allergies. One easy and pleasurable method to try at home is aromatherapy with essential oils.

Essential oils are a natural for respiratory support. As we breathe in scent, volatile organic compounds produced by the plants travel through our nose and lungs, with instant impact on our cells, immune system and brain chemistry. Here’s a few ways to try essential oils if you’re suffering from seasonal allergies.

My favorite oils for congestion, headaches, itching and other seasonal allergy symptoms are nose-openers like eucalyptus radiata or ravensara, conifers like pine, fir or spruce, and anti-inflammatory oils like frankincense or sandalwood. Oils can be used individually or in combination, and you can purchase pre-made blends intended for use with allergies from many major suppliers that will include these and other oils. At Energy Matters we carry ‘Respiratory’ from Snow Lotus, with black spruce, silver fir, rosemary and green myrtle.

Shower Steam: This is an easy way to get the benefit of essential oils into your daily routine. Drip a few drops of your chosen oil or two onto the wall or floor of your shower and step into fragrant clouds of steam. Eucalyptus is great used this way - have a shower before bed to wash off pollen and other allergens and relieve some of your symptoms for a better night's sleep.

Chest Rub: Dilute a few drops of essential oil into a tablespoon of oil such as jojoba or coconut, and rub on your upper chest, or use a pre-diluted blend in a roller bottle. You’ll benefit from stimulating the acupuncture points just below your collarbone, as well as breathing in the healing vapors. Try soothing oils like frankincense and sandalwood with a longer lasting scent that’s not overpoweringly medicinal.

Direct Inhalation: AKA taking a sniff! When you’re on the go and get ambushed by a runny nose and watery eyes, open a bottle of essential oil and inhale deeply. Eucalyptus radiata, pine or peppermint can all help calm down symptoms and irritation. The effect won’t last long, but it will be immediate.

 Always use common sense with essential oils. Don’t put them on your skin without diluting them, don’t ingest them, and make sure the oils you choose are safe for the children and pets in your home. For allergies, don’t use oils that you’re allergic to, and test them out in a well-ventilated area to see how you react, especially if you have a sensitive respiratory system or asthma. Energy Matters practitioners can help you with customized treatment, including essential oils, to dramatically reduce allergy symptoms.

Enjoy the Scents of Healing,
Kirsten Cowan, L.Ac
Clinic Manager

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