Contraction or Expansion
Sep 08, 2023
Just like the universe, we are either contracting or expanding.
In your body, contraction looks like this: low energy, bloated, poor sleep, dull skin and eyes, foggy brain, and weighed down by stress.
Expansion looks like this: good energy, easy digestion, deep sleep, bright skin and eyes, clear thinking, and ability to navigate stress with ease.
Of course, you would prefer to be feeling expansion. Who wouldn’t? But how to get to that state?
While there are many paths, our 21 Days to Better Health Program is one of the most efficient, effective, and powerful ways. So say our participants, year after year.
They also say doing the 21 Days is a commitment and a fair amount of work. Not hard work, but the work of attending to your food intake for three weeks, primarily cooking at home or carefully sourcing prepared foods.
One of the nicknames for the program is “The Shopping and Chopping Cleanse!”
You’ll have plenty to eat; it's not about deprivation. It’s about flooding your body with anti-inflammatory foods, smoothies, and powerful anti-inflammatory supplements.
Which quickly and deeply moves you into a state of expansion.
Committing to the 21 Days Program is about committing to yourself, to your health and well-being, now and in the long run. It’s a great opportunity to deeply reset how you nourish yourself, on many levels.
And - you don’t do this alone! We are here to support and guide you all along the way. To cheerlead you when needed. To join in celebrating your successes.
If you are ready to feel the benefits of expansion, our 2023 Fall Cleanse Group starts on Oct 15.
In order to get set up with your pre-program consultation and get your products shipped to you, you need to register by Sept 27th.
To help nudge you along in your decision to feel better in your body and your mind, if you register by Sept 15th, new participants will receive a $50 discount. Sweet!
Ready?! Click here to get started by taking our “Is this right for me?” 21 Days Quiz.
“Who needs a quiz - I’m in!” Register online!
New Participants: Use coupon code 23FALLGROUP50 to receive a $50 discount*. Ends Sept 15th!
*Cannot be combined with other discounts. For New Participants only.