Deep Sea Diving

Jul 22, 2024
Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac. + symbols with tree roots, yin yang, and person with acupuncture needles and points.

Over the past year, I’ve offered several short courses on the art of personal energy management and practical intuition: Rooted Resilience, Shields Up!, Color Me Intuitive, and Step Into the Flow.

As I look ahead, I am seeing/feeling/sensing a longer, in-depth program. A program where we go deep into the energetics and the practicalities of living as an energy being in a physical body.

We would explore auras, chakras, original essence energy, working with guidance, universal healing energies, and much more.

Why does one embark on such a journey?

Because you are called to the mysteries of the unseen, you sense there is more to this world than you can see and touch.

You know there is more to you than your physical body and feel drawn to the possibility of greater internal congruency and coherency, and to the benefits of deeper self-knowledge for navigating the practicalities of everyday life.

This kind of program is not unlike deciding to become a deep-sea diver. You stand at the shore looking out at the vastness of the ocean and you know there are all manner of mysteries under the water. But without the right tools and guidance, how do you get to see, know, and understand those mysteries?

The possibilities are starting to take shape in my mind, but I wanted to check in with you and other readers on this list to see if this interests you. I don’t have the details like how long, cost, and format yet.

For now, I’m simply asking this: might the kind of journey I am describing interest you?

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