Free and Easy Wanderer

May 24, 2024
Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac. + symbols with tree roots, yin yang, and person with acupuncture needles and points.

In our acupuncture clinic, I frequently prescribe herbs and whole-food supplements. But sometimes I find I only need to prescribe the name of the formula for someone to benefit.

Case in point: Free and Easy Wanderer. This is one of the most prescribed Chinese Herbal formulas, with many uses including stress reduction.

When I am working with a patient who is under a lot of stress, I explain how stress affects their energy flows by creating constriction, restriction, and tightness.

And then I say that the energy we want to amplify for them is evoked by the formula name Free and Easy Wanderer.

As soon as I say these words, a look of wonder comes over them and I see their face and body visibly relax as they absorb the energy of those words.

Words have energetic vibrations that affect your energy system when you think them, when you say them out loud, and when someone says them to you.

The adage “Sticks and stones…” was only half right. Yes, sticks and stones can break your bones, but words CAN hurt you, and words can heal you.

Take a moment to feel into being stressed. And then take a moment to feel into being a Free and Easy Wanderer. Quite different! Use this phrase (or your own version:) as a quick stress antidote.

If you can go out and spend some time wandering your neighborhood or a local walking trail without purpose or goal, enjoying being free and easy, all the better. But through the words themselves you have access to this archetypal energy at a moment’s notice.

Feeling free and easy today,
Kirstin Lindquist

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