The Goodness of Garlic
Sep 29, 2023
RECIPE: Garlic Lemon Butter
“Garlic is divine. Few food items can taste so many distinct ways, handled correctly. Misuse of garlic is a crime...Please, treat your garlic with respect...Avoid at all costs that vile spew you see rotting in oil in screw top jars. Too lazy to peel fresh? You don't deserve to eat garlic.”
~ Anthony Bourdain, Kitchen Confidential: Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly
“It's when you eat garlic every day that you inadvertently kill off all the friendships that you had.”
~ Anthony T. Hincks
Garlic is strong of flavor, and inspires strong opinions. Not everyone loves (or can tolerate) garlic, but if you are a fan, you get to enjoy not just delicious food, but also great health benefits. Garlic truly is a superfood! Regular consumption can:
Reduce blood pressure
Lower cholesterol
Help prevent and fight colds and flus
Reduce the risk of certain cancer
Lower blood sugar
Ward off vampires
How to get the most out of garlic? Best benefit comes from raw garlic that your crush or press and allow to sit for about 10 minutes before using. There may be good health benefits from cooked garlic as well, but try for raw whenever you can. Do the smash and rest technique, then add to soup or a sauté at the very end, or add to salad dressing.
But don’t go typical American “if some is good, a whole lot must be even better for me” on garlic. First of all, if you eat tons, it will ooze out of your pores and scare off your friends. But more to the point, all the studies of cultures that eat garlic regularly typically eat ½ to one clove a day.
Small “doses” over the long run are always most effective when using food as medicine.
Can’t tolerate garlic? Ginger and turmeric are two other “superfood” spices that you will want to include in your diet.
There is still time, but just barely, to join The Great Fall Cleanse of 2023 starts on Oct 15!
Enroll today so we have time to get your pre-program consultation scheduled and your products shipped to you.
- 1/2 cup softened butter
- 2-3 tsps grated lemon zest
- 1 garlic clove minced
- 1 tsp minced parsley
- 1/4 tsp salt (optional)
- pepper to taste
In a small bowl, beat all ingredients until blended. Refrigerate up to 1 week or freeze up to 3 months.
Use as a tangy, flavorful topping for roasted veggies especially your sweet potatoes. Or mix into your quinoa or lentils.