Hazards May Exist
Dec 08, 2024
I recently spent a wonderful long weekend with a dear friend from grade school. We celebrated our 60th birthdays (which were two years ago!) by staying at an outdoorsy resort in the red rock country of Utah.
We had a fantastic time hiking, eating good food, reading, relaxing, and getting deeply caught up in each other’s lives in that way that only happens with expanded, relaxed time.
On one of those hikes, we came across a sign that made me stop in my tracks and laugh out loud. And then I took the picture: Hazards may exist.
Though meant to warn unwary hikers that there are potential hazards on that specific trail, I decided this sign should be posted everywhere – at each corner in every neighborhood, at each traffic light, on every door, in backyards - as a potent reminder of the truth of life: there may be hazards around any corner. Even sitting on your couch.
It is easy in the busyness of daily life to lose touch with the unfailing fact that life is uncertain. And yes, sitting in that truth can be anxiety-provoking, but you can also use it as a potent reminder to notice and soften into each moment.
So much joy, so much beauty is available to you each day, each moment. If you make the choice to notice and allow it in. Despite the potential hazards. Because hazards will happen. And your mind will do its best to either deny or hyperfocus on that potential.
But acknowledging the potential hazards from a place of soft focus allows you to see the beauty in the red rocks, and the trees displaying their glorious autumn foliage, all while minding your steps and being at the relaxed-ready to deal with what lies around the next corner.
You don’t have to do either/or; you can find solace and expansion in both/and.
Kirstin Lindquist