"I feel more myself again!"

Apr 11, 2023
Smiling woman looking at mirror placing her hand over her hands reflection.

Recently, in response to my question “how have you been doing?” a patient I’d been working with for a couple of months burst out with “I feel more myself again!,” spoken with a great surge of joy.

This struck me and stayed with me, as it is such a succinct summation of the nature of the medicine we practice at Energy Matters.

When you seek treatment, most often you are looking for relief from some sort of discomfort: pain, allergy or digestive symptoms, lack of energy, insomnia etc. Wanting and seeking changes in your body and/or mental state is motivating, purposeful and what we spend most of our time in the treatment rooms talking about.

And yet, underneath those desires is a very basic want: to feel more yourself.

To not feel defined by your symptoms. To reconnect with your essence.

The nature of acupuncture and Chinese medicine is personalized and individualized treatments, accounting for and supporting your whole being - mind, body and spirit. We get to bear witness to minor and major miracles in our clinic on a regular basis. All manner of symptoms, injuries and illnesses respond beautifully to treatment.

And within this context, we simultaneously support and nourish you in feeling more of who you truly are, at your core.

This is why I love my work!

The interesting thing is that over a course of weeks or months of acupuncture treatments, the feeling of returning to self often precedes the disappearance of symptoms.

And sometimes the symptoms that drove you to seek treatment don't change much, yet a deep sense of grace emerges from within, which is a beautiful state to live in.

It’s more than OK to engage in acupuncture treatments in order to feel more yourself - even if you don’t have other symptoms to list on your intake form.

Reconnect with your essential self through the power of acupuncture.

I’m feeling quite myself today,
Kirstin Lindquist

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