Internal Composting

Mar 14, 2025
Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac. + symbols with tree roots, yin yang, and person with acupuncture needles and points.

Do you ever compost? Not the backyard kind, but the internal kind?

I’ve learned that while some visions and projects manifest readily, others need a period of “composting.” The ideas, desires, and concepts are present in my psyche, but in a back-burner way. I’m not consciously working on the project, but work is being done.

In my backyard compost pile, microbes are breaking down discarded food scraps and transforming them into beautiful nutrient-rich soil. In the summer, this process moves along quickly, in the winter, more slowly.

But on the surface, it just looks like a messy pile of scrap and leaves. Until that amazing volunteer sunflower or zucchini plant breaks the surface and voila – the composting magic is manifest!

Creative projects are like this. They have their own timing, and a lot of “work” goes on under the surface until one day you pick up the pen or the paintbrush or the hammer or the computer (however you create) and suddenly the project is humming along.

All things in their own time, over which you have little control, but you have influence.

You can choose to honor your intuitive intelligence when it is whispering “Not yet - wait.” Or you can push past the voice and likely end up in a quagmire.

Listening to your inner guidance's quiet yet powerful voice doesn’t make life easy, but it certainly makes it easier.

This is a good reminder always, but particularly now as we enter a Mercury Retrograde cycle, when direct forward motion seems to be thwarted. It’s not, but it’s happening differently.

Timing is everything,
Kirstin Lindquist

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