Make a Plan to Vote - and To Take Care of Yourself
Oct 29, 2024
Here we are again just a week before another ‘most important election of our lives.’ The stress and anxiety about the future leadership of this country, and the frightening possibilities dependent on the outcome take a toll many of us are feeling every day.
Taking action can improve our well-being and even reduce the long term physical and psychological impacts of stress. Make a plan to vote and encourage your loved ones to do the same - studies show that people who make a plan on when, where and how they will complete their ballot are much more likely to vote.
While you’re making a plan to vote, why not make a self-care plan for Election Day as well? Calming your nervous system and giving your body and soul some loving attention and resources won’t change the election results, but it can change your day and that of those around you.
I sat down to make my own Election Day self-care plan, an idea I got from acupuncturist Denise Cicuto. I made an appointment for Sound Healing with Mandy, talked with my family about how we’ll manage news updates on Election Day, and made a date to go for a meditative walk in the redwoods on Wednesday, November 6.
We have lots of resources for calming and resetting jangled and overextended nervous systems at Energy Matters, including Sound Healing and Acupuncture treatments, and classes and series like Inner Peace, Outer Peace, and Essential Oils for Easy Stress Relief,
Soothing treatments, and support like aromatherapy and herbs, spiritual sustenance such as meditation or prayer, time with loved ones and in nature - whatever it is that fills your cup, I encourage you to take a few moments this week to make your plan. The election will come and go, and whatever happens, afterwards we’ll still be living in this world we love and facing the work to make it a better place.
Let’s care for ourselves so we can care for one another,
Kirsten Cowan L.Ac|
linic Manager