ONE THING plus Deep Sea Diving Update

Jul 24, 2024
Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac. + symbols with tree roots, yin yang, and person with acupuncture needles and points.

Wow – lots of interest in my proposed “deep sea diving” expedition/extended course on Practical Intuition (click here if you missed that post which has nothing to do with scuba tanks)!

I am taking in all your input and letting the ideas “compost.” Something will emerge soon but click here for what I know so far.

In the meantime, I have been having lots of conversations with folks coming in for acupuncture about how to navigate the seemingly relentless local, national, and global stressors. Life as a human is challenging even in the best of times, but the last many years have been over the top, and it just keeps on coming.

I suspect that you, like me, do lots of things to care for yourself: get enough sleep, try to eat well, hydrate, move your body, connect with loved ones, laugh, create, etc. All good and necessary, but when life is too much, a long to-do list of self-care can add to the overwhelm.

Try this: take a few deep breaths to get centered and then ask from knowing “What is the ONE THING that matters most for my self-care RIGHT NOW?” Chances are you’ll get a potent answer.

Sometimes my answer is “more sleep.” Other times it is “move more.” I’ve learned to respect the voice of inner guidance that tells me what is most important at this moment. Not that I neglect the other practices, but I fiercely guard the ONE THING.

Recently my answer has been coming back loud and clear as “More time with the dogs.” Which makes perfect sense - for me. So much uncertainty, strife, and brutality in the world. But my dogs are right here, right now, in the present moment, enjoying what is. Trouble happens? Shake it off and then have a biscuit. As long as the “pack” is together, we’re ok.

For now, my #1 self-care is dog medicine.

Check in with yourself regularly, asking from inner knowing “What is the ONE THING I need right now?” Next week it may be the same, or it may be different.

ONE THING can be enough.
Kirstin Lindquist

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