Out of Sync?
Sep 20, 2024
When I was in my teens and 20s, I got sick a lot. If there was a cold or flu going around, it was pretty much guaranteed I’d get it. And strep throat, bronchitis, sinus infections, walking pneumonia, etc., etc.
In the late 1980s, through happenstance, I found my way to an acupuncturist. My health improved dramatically, so much so that I chose to study Chinese Medicine.
Equally exciting, I found a philosophy of health that made sense to me intellectually and on a gut level.
Chinese Medicine is based on the foundational point of view that humans are part of, and deeply influenced by the natural world.
An important aspect of creating better health is recognizing and honoring the cycles of nature and understanding how those cycles play out within your being.
Not a simple task given the degree to which modern lifestyles shelter us from and even deny these cycles.
But what I learned 35+ years ago from my first experience with Chinese Medicine is that calibrating my body with the natural rhythms had a profound effect on my health and well-being. I went from being the person who got sick all the time to rarely getting sick.
As the Fall Equinox nears, your body is taking cues off the changing angle of the sun in the sky, the later sunrises and earlier sunsets, and the weather changes.
Ignoring these signals leads to internal dissonance.
Embracing these signals creates internal harmony.
All of this is to say I am super excited to be collaborating with Kirsten Cowan – clinic manager for Energy Matters – for our upcoming workshop: Syncing with the Seasons: Fall - Traditional Wisdom for Modern Life.
We’ll explore in practical and do-able ways how to live in sync with the seasons in modern times. The class will be chockablock with tips and strategies for creating better health. Plus lots of laughter, which is always good medicine:)
So plan on spending the morning with us via Zoom on Sunday Sept 29 from 10-noon.
Seasons matter,
Kirstin Lindquist