Spring Equinox: Time to shift your balance
Mar 21, 2023
Today is the Spring Equinox. In the northern hemisphere, the length of daylight equals the length of nighttime. A moment of Yin/Yang balance.
But of course, every day is Yin/Yang balanced, just in a different ratio.
This is why I love to pause and acknowledge the equinoxes and solstices throughout the year. Doing so causes me to reflect on what is my current balance point, what is my current yin/yang ratio.
It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that we can and should carry on day in and day out at the same pace and rhythm. We forget that like the natural world around us, we humans also have seasonal changes: shifts of energy, needs for activity vs stillness, needs for being social vs being alone, etc. These needs change according to the annual trek of our planet around the sun, and they shift according to the circumstances of our individual lives.
What is the energy of spring? Spend just a few moments out of doors near some plants and trees, and it’s pretty clear. Bloom! Grow! Expand! Move! As we dance through the next six months, with days longer than nights, you may find yourself wanting to do more, create more, and move more.
The boundaries of your life may not change - work, children, home projects - but there are places you can shift your yin/yang balance to reflect the seasons. Maybe more time outside, exercising, gardening or simply soaking up the sun. Perhaps more creative projects, more social events. As makes sense for you.
Honor your version of the season.
Kirstin Lindquist
Owner, Licensed Acupuncturist
PS Want to move in a new way? Join one of our online Wild Goose Qigong Classes. The next series starts in April. Fly like a wild goose!