Summer Solstice

Jun 21, 2024
Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac. + symbols with tree roots, yin yang, and person with acupuncture needles and points.

Happy Summer Solstice!

Today is the longest day of the year. We are at the top of the arc of Yang energy for the year.

Despite what your calendar says, today is NOT the first day of summer, energetically speaking. That was back on May 1st (click here to read about that).

Today is Mid-Summer and in the Nordic realms is a day of celebration. When you have winter days with hardly any sunlight, the longest day of the year is particularly special.

Here in Oakland, it will be light until about 9pm tonight, and the daylight will begin to return at about 5:15am. That is just a little more than 8 hours of darkness, and almost 16 hours of light.

Contrast that with the winter solstice in Oakland: about 14 1/2 hours of darkness and about 9 1/2 hours of light.

16 hours of daylight vs 9 1/2 hours - that is a big difference! No wonder we feel different today than we did 6 months ago.

Some folks are “solar powered” and struggle during the winter months. Others prefer the cool and darkness of winter and wilt during the summer.

No matter what your energetic constitution is, we are all part of the ebbs and flows and shifts and changes of Yang and Yin energies throughout the year.

Pay homage to dominant Yang today, knowing this, like all things, is temporary.
Kirstin Lindquist

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