Three Tips for Getting Through Election Day

Nov 05, 2024
Quiet, peaceful forest glade. Dark with a bit of sunshine rays coming through the trees.

It’s going to be a tough day today. Last week Kirsten Cowan shared her election day self-care plan.


Here are my thoughts:

  1. Stick to your normal Tuesday routine. Your nervous system thrives on predictability, so do your usual today: meals, work, exercise, appointments etc.

  2. Step outside and look at the sky throughout the day. If you can’t go outside, look out a window. As you do, take three long, slow breaths, allowing your body to ground and settle. Set a timer for every 3 hours and do this.

  3. Don’t binge-watch the returns. So tempting, but so hard on your nerves. Dip in and dip out. Each time you dip in, follow that with #2.

For “extra credit” and more qi benefits: tell someone you have know for years or you just met something you admire and appreciate about them. Positive energy is contagious.

Keeping it short (yet potent) today,
Kirstin Lindquist

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