Time Diet
Sep 06, 2024
I’m trying something new and already experiencing such wonderful benefits I had to share.
Back story: I have always had a conflicted relationship with linear time. I frequently feel I don’t have enough time. True, I have lots of interests and hobbies and I run a small business, etc, but it runs deeper than that.
Over the years I have adopted many practices to create more harmony in this relationship (here is a post I recently wrote about pre-vacation time-stress). Time and I indeed get along much better than we used to.
But…that nagging thread of a feeling of time scarcity continues: “I’ll get to that when I have more time.” “I wish I had time to do X.” “I’d love to, but I don’t have time.”
So, when I came across the suggestion of a “No Complaints about Time Diet”, I was deeply intrigued.
The idea is simple: stop complaining about time.
Interrupt each thought as it arises, acknowledge it, and let it go. And see what happens.
So the first layer of the experience is a time mindfulness practice: notice the thought, and let it go. Again and again.
As one would expect, I immediately became aware of just how frequently I think poorly about time.
But then it gets more interesting.
Along with my life-long habit of feeling there isn’t enough time, I have for many decades entertained the quantum physics concept that linear time is a Newtonian construct of our collective imaginations.
Linear time is not the Truth of time, but a compelling paradigm.
This has always made sense to me on some level, but I held it outside of myself as an interesting “Star Trek” sci-fi concept, rather than a current reality.
For reasons I cannot yet explain, this simple practice of stopping the time scarcity thoughts is having a profound influence on my experience of time.
For one, I am getting more done in less time and feeling calm throughout.
I am not free of the thoughts. It’s a life-long habit.
But more often than not I am successful in not complaining about time.
And some trippy things are happening.
I’ll share more as this experiment unfolds, but I invite you to give it a try.
Decide right now that you are done with time-scarcity thoughts.
Each time you hear yourself saying something negative about time - in your head or out loud - interrupt yourself.
And see what happens.
As always, I love to hear from you!
Time is not what you think it is,
Kirstin Lindquist
PS Another way to re-think time, or rather explore a different version of time, is to join Kirstin and Kirsten's upcoming workshop: Syncing with the Seasons. Click here for details. The more you can adapt to natural rhythms, the more your health and well-being benefits.
PPS Think on this: if natural time ruled humans, dawn and dusk would always happen at the same time of day, and the hours in the 24 hour clock would expand or contract according to the current ratio of light and dark.