When Are You Ready for a Reset?
Sep 08, 2023
RECIPE: Pickled Carrots
When I ask repeat participants “Why do you want to do the cleanse now?” the most common answer is “I’m ready for a reset” or “It’s time for a reset.”
Which begs the question: how do you know you are ready for a reset?
The answer is likely different for different people, but there are common themes.
Here is how I know I am ready for a 21 Day reset:
My “feast foods” (foods that I enjoy the taste of but slow my body down, so in theory I eat them only occasionally) are showing up more and more often.
I feel a bit draggy and tired, even though I’m getting enough rest.
My veggie quota is low.
Other answers I hear are:
I’m eating out/doing take out way more than I’d like to be.
My sweet tooth is highly active!
I’m drinking cocktails nightly - time to break up, temporarily.
I want to get reinspired about cooking
I love how good I feel on the cleanse!!
I know for myself, even after doing the 21 Day cleanse once or twice a year for two decades, I can put off committing because I am human too! Yes, it’s work to do the cleanse, lots of shopping and chopping. Yes, I will miss my afternoon dark chocolate and late night yogurt snacks. Yes, I have plans with friends next week.
Yet, sooner or later, my body says “It’s time!! Let’s get started!!”
And I do:)
If your body has been telling you “it’s time” for some time, well, then it’s time!
Our Fall Group starts Oct 15. Let your body know you are on it, that you’ll be joining the group and yes, the reset is on the way.
Ready for a reset? Register for the 21 Days Program online (repeaters, don't forget to use your discount code - email us if you don't remember/have it).
Pickling often requires sugar or maple syrup. The sweetness cuts the sour of the vinegar. But we can’t use either during our 21 Days so I found this pickling recipe from TikTok creator Jose el Cook (last recipe at the end of the video) that used rice wine vinegar and no sugar.
Make these pickles a week or 2 before your 21 Days start date so they’re ready to pep up your first week’s meals. They’ll last about 1 month in the refrigerator.
1 lb carrots, peeled and sliced on the bias
Sliced jalapeño to your spice tolerance level (or 4-5 cloves of garlic which is what I would use)
1 teaspoon of each
mustard seed
whole peppercorn
fennel seed
celery seed
coriander seed
whole clove
1 to 2 bay leaves
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup of rice wine vinegar
1 cup of water
Fill a clean jar with carrots, jalapeño (or garlic). Top with the spices and salt.
In a pot, boil the rice wine vinegar and water.
Pour (carefully) over the vegetables to the top of the jar. Let rest until it cools to room temperature then refrigerate. Keeps for up to 1 month. Add as a topping or eat on its own.
We’re thinking of experimenting replacing the rice wine vinegar in his other pickling recipes.