Wonder Woman

Jun 19, 2024
Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac. + symbols with tree roots, yin yang, and person with acupuncture needles and points.

A few weeks ago I wrote about the benefits of the Starfish posture. I received lots of responses, so I thought I’d share another power posture: Wonder Woman.

In case you missed the Starfish post, power postures are shapes you make and hold for a minute or two. Doing so reduces feelings of stress and increases feelings of confidence, competence, and groundedness. It’s kind of crazy how consciously choosing to hold a posture for a short time can almost instantly change the way you feel. Your life is just the same as it was a minute ago, but you feel different.

There have been lots of studies done on power postures, some showing hormonal changes and some that don’t. The science of why these postures help is inconclusive.

But the energetics of the postures are clear.

Right now, as you read this, take an exaggerated “small” or “defeated” posture: slump in your chair, round your shoulders and look down at the ground. Stay there for a few breath cycles and note how you feel emotionally and physically.

Then, stand up and be Wonder Woman: stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-width apart, place your hands on your hips, arms akimbo (I love that word!). Gaze out into the distance, knowing that you have superpowers at the ready to meet whatever life brings you. Breathe softly yet deeply for about a minute. Note how you feel.

The first posture is one of restriction and stagnation, both emotionally and energetically.

Wonder Woman (and Starfish) is a posture of energetic ease and flow. Ease and flow create feelings of well-being and are the foundation of good physical and emotional health.

This is the premise of acupuncture in a nutshell: release constrictions and encourage ease and flow of your life force energy.

In a sense, doing a Starfish or a Wonder Woman is giving yourself a mini acupuncture treatment.

Simple, easy, free, and effective – my favorite kind of medicine. I know I’ve said this many times before, and rest assured I will say it many times again: never underestimate the power of simplicity.

Your mother was right – posture matters.
Kirstin Lindquist


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