What Part Does Scent Play in Your Self-Care Tools? 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Apr 13, 2021

“Stop and smell the roses.” A common reminder to slow down, enjoy the moment, be in the present. But when was the last time you stopped...

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Spring Has Sprung 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Feb 05, 2021

by Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac.

If you check your calendar, you’ll see March 20th marked as the first day of spring. From any practical point of...

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Vaccine Resources 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jan 29, 2021

by Kirstin Lindquist, L.Ac.

Last week’s article about Energy Matters and the COVID-19 Vaccine generated a lot of responses of appreciation. (...

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Energy Matters and the COVID-19 Vaccine 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jan 26, 2021

Recently we had a meeting of Energy Matters clinicians to talk about the COVID-19 vaccine. I left that meeting with more information and personal...

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New Year's Resolutionsā€¦? 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jan 01, 2021

Do you know the phrase "that which you resist, persists"?

Well, it's true. So if you make New Year’s resolutions from the frame of mind...

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The Power of Simplicity 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Sep 26, 2020

by Kirstin Lindquist

Wellness doesn't have to be complicated. Most people overthink and over-complicate this path. And I get it. If you spend any...

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Getting SMART About Your New Year's Resolutions 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jan 04, 2019

Here we are again - New Year’s resolutions time. What did you resolve last year? How did those resolutions work out for you? If you are like...

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Why Resolutions Don't Work 1 minute to better health by kirstin lindquist Jan 05, 2018

It’s that time of year: “I will exercise more.” “I will lose weight.” “I will meditate every day.” All...

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