Shadow “out there,” Shadow “in here” by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Nov 11, 2018

I don’t know about you, but over the past 2 years or so I have been acutely aware of a sense of “us” vs. “them” - a...

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Get Out of Your Head by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Oct 04, 2018

In meditation class, we talk about using our breath as an anchor - a stable place to return to again and again each time our mind wanders, and an...

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Anxiety About Real Things by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Sep 06, 2018

I’ve been treating a lot of patients with anxiety lately. I call it “anxiety about real things.” A lot of times we have anxiety...

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Change of Mental Scenery by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Jul 05, 2018

You may notice times in your life when you feel a little stuck in a mental loop - perhaps for some time after that heart-wrenching break-up, job...

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Being Happy in the Imperfect Now by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Jun 07, 2018

Throughout history, one of the constant spiritual challenges of being human has been, how to be present for what is here and now, even as...

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Things I’m learning by practicing with injury and illness, Part III by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace May 03, 2018

What stories are you believing and telling about life?

This may be the last of the current series on practicing with injury and illness. Not that...

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Things I’m learning by practicing with injury and illness, Part II by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Apr 05, 2018

In practicing with the health challenges that I’ve been facing recently, one thing I have come to recognize is that for any individual, our...

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Healing Relationships by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Mar 02, 2018

People usually access support when they are in the midst of crisis - they realize their usual tools aren’t working to help them get through...

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Things I’m Learning by Practicing with Injury and Illness, Part I by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Jan 29, 2018

As some of you know, I have been experiencing troubling health issues over the past year, rapidly worsening over the past few months. In short...

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Don’t Be Afraid of the Dark by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Jan 18, 2018

During the winter season, the natural world tends to go inward. Just as darkness prevails outside, we too may get more in touch with the darkness...

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Your Joy Brings Light into the World by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Dec 07, 2017

With everything going on in our world over the past year or so, sometimes feeling like impending apocalypse or armageddon - I find that many people...

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Meditation in Action by prajna choudhury reflections on inner peace outer peace Nov 02, 2017

I often say that mindfulness practice is needed in these difficult times: that it’s not only about inner peace, but peace in the world as...

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