RECIPE:Â Summer Super Hydration Shake
Summer is in full blast - bringing blistering heat in many parts of the US. Regardless of where you live and the...
Recipe: Arugula and Shaved Fennel Salad with Meyer Lemon Vinaigrette
Some months ago, while browsing in a kitchen store (one of my favorite types of ...
Recipe of the week: Coconut Whipped Cream
If you’ve read our most recent 1 Minute to Better Health post on EWG’s The Dirty Dozen & the Clean Fifteen™...
Recipe: Curry Vinaigrette
Do you remember high school biology? If you stayed awake, likely you learned about the circulatory system: arteries take ox...
RECIPE: Roasted Harissa Pumpkin Seeds
The last 21 Days Every Day blog I wrote was about one of my “food rules:” Enjoy everything you eat, fully.
I have one overarching rule about food that applies on and off the cleanse. It is the most important rule you can have with regard to eating, diet, an...
“How much of my veggie intake should be raw, versus cooked?”
The answer is….it depends.
Both on and off the cleanse, the ratio of raw to cooked food...
True confessions: my fridge is often a crowded mess. Between human food, dog food, and desert tortoise food (Milton eats a plate of greens every day!)...
I love, love, love green tea. For the record, I also love coffee; the flavor of coffee cannot be matched. However, my body really dislikes coffee so y...
A few weeks ago, I wrote about our relatively recent decision to add seeds to the 21 Days to Better Health Program - you can read the post in our 21 D...
RECIPE: Seeded Crackers
When we launched the 21 Days to Better Health Program over a decade ago, seeds were not included in the allowed foods. A few ...
Is this you?
"I don't have the energy, stamina, and focus I want."
"Is something I'm eating affecting my joint pain/blood sugar issues/blood pressure/...